• Agung Vitara Darma Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
  • Erry Sunarya Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
  • Kokom Komariah Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi


This research was meant to analysed Human Capital in Bolu Amor Bakery and Cafe Sukabumi addition and
improve the companies with the management of Human Capital in the improvement of companies. This
research using the research methodology of descriptive-qualitative research to describe the human capital
condition. For data collecting used observation instrument, interview, and documentation study methods.
The results showed that the company gives a Human Capital Management with an integrated and continous
methods to achieve a long-term world Class Company vision. There are HCR, OCR, and employee productivity.
This company has implemented 5 Human Capital components. There are individual capability, individual
motivation, the organizational climate, workgroup effectiveness and leadership. But, that haven’t maximal
yet due to company leadership indicator still get some problems in process. Based on the results, we got the
conclusion that Bolu Amor Bakery & Cafe Sukabumi has realized how important Human Resources in every
activity. Company should manage the human resources well because the key of company success is in human
factor. Not only in technology superiority and fund available. So, we need a capable person that can operate
the company as a survivor. Preparing the human capital is a must for improvement of companies.


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