Analisis Teknik Terjemahan Pengurangan dan Penambahan dalam Buku Menu Restoran di Situs Traveloka

  • Wulan Maulinda Pratiwi Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi



This research is entitled “Analisis Teknik Terjemahan Pengurangan dan Penambahan dalam Buku Menu Restoran di Situs Traveloka”. It is a research which focus on the analysis of translation techniques in restaurant menu. This research aim is to identify and classification restaurant menu in Traveloka website which use omission and addition technique in translation English to Indonesia. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data was obtained on the Traveloka website and researchers found 5 restaurant that use English and Indonesia on the menu. The research found 54 data that could be analyzed but become 68 data after analyzed because were data have action omission-addition, omission-omission or addition-addition. Based on the result of data, these is a omission in noun (9), noun phase (3) adjective (9) and adverb (3) while the addition in noun (11), noun phrase (6) adjective (18) and conjunction (9) of 54 data that the occurrence of omission and addition. There several menus that experience omission and addition techniques.  


Key words: translation techniques, omission, addition, menus



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How to Cite
Pratiwi, W. (2021). Analisis Teknik Terjemahan Pengurangan dan Penambahan dalam Buku Menu Restoran di Situs Traveloka. PENAOQ: Jurnal Sastra, Budaya Dan Pariwisata, 2(2), 32-44.